to Access Your Inner Joy
Is There A More Effective Way to Be on Your
Intelligent Energy, The
Basis for S.U.N. Workshops
A Letter from
A Letter from Joanne
How to Access Your
Inner Joy
If most people were to look beneath
the surface of their lives they would find a feeling of dissatisfaction, a feeling that
"there must be more to life than this." In mainstream society a person might try
to fill that void with fame, power or possessions. In new age society a person might try
to fill that void with vitamins, a mind machine, or going to countless seminars. There is
nothing intrinsically wrong with any of these pursuits, however they will not satisfy the
hidden yearnings of the heart. Only one thing will loving union with God.
with the Divine
Now for many people the word God conjures up the image of an old man in
the sky who watches everything you do very carefully and doesn't approve of most of it.
This in not what I am talking about. I am talking about the very deepest part of yourself
which is pure love, the deepest part of yourself which already knows what you need and can
answer your most profound questions. I believe in a personal God. However you might prefer
to use other words such as Source, Cosmic Mind, or your Buddha nature.
The God Within
We are always looking for the answer outside of ourselves. But the
truth is that it lies within. In the Gospel According to Luke the Pharisees ask Jesus when
the Kingdom of God is coming. He answers them (17:20-21), "The Kingdom of God is not
coming with signs to be observed; nor will they say, 'Lo, here it is!' or 'There!' for
behold, the Kingdom of God is within you." In the Dhammapada (a collection of the
oral teachings of the Buddha) the Buddha says (18:255) "The way is not in the sky.
The way is in the heart."
The Legacy of the Masters
You were born to have the mind and heart of Jesus. You were born to
have the mind and heart of the Buddha. The only question is how do you access that
birthright. One thing is certain: no amount of mental understanding will do it. It is one
thing to understand the concept that "God is Love"; it is another thing entirely
to actually experience the nectar of God's love flowing in your veins, moment to moment, everyday of your life.
The Power of Shakti
The way to self-realization is through the many spiritual practices
which have been developed by the world's spiritual traditions. These many practices can be
summarized in two categories: meditation and energy work. The teachings of the Spiritual
Unfoldment Network emphasize energy work because through our energy initiations we can
accelerate the spiritual evolution of many people in a short period of time. By
"energy work" we refer specifically to working with "shaktis". For
more about shaktis see the article entitled "Is There A More Effective Way To Be On
Your Path?" that begins on the first page. What we wish to emphasize is that shaktis
are gifts of grace from God. These energies are God in action.
Moving Along Your Path
The great spiritual teachers have taught us that the true source of joy
lies not outside of ourselves but in the treasure chest of our own heart. The many
beautiful shaktis which God has bestowed upon the world's spiritual traditions are keys to
unlocking that chest. The Spiritual Unfoldment Network can help you find the key(s) which
best fits your own treasure chest. You are invited to explore our work further. You can do
this by coming to an introductory lecture (see page 3), by tuning in to our Sunday
transmissions in the privacy of your own home (see page 12), or by attending a class
By Irving Feurst
Is There A More
Effective Way to Be on Your Path?
If you're like most people who read our newsletter, you have a
sincere interest in personal or spiritual growth and you're open to the possibility of
techniques that will assist you to progress faster. This article describes methods which
have been used successfully in esoteric traditions for thousands of years, yet are only
now starting to become known in our own culture. I have seen these methods create changes
not achievable by any other method changes in my own life and lives of thousands
who have taken our workshops.
Utilizing energy is the key to physical vitality and spiritual evolution.
We are surrounded by and are an intimate part of an infinite ocean of energy. This
non-physical energy permeates all things, and all living things depend on it for their
continued life and health. It is called Prana by the Hindus, Chi by the
Chinese, Mana by the Hawaiians. Esoteric traditions of all ages have recognized
that a master key to physical vitality and (through raising our vibrational rate)
spiritual evolution is the ability to absorb and use this energy.
There are four key ideas about working with these cosmic energies.
(1.) Science defines energy as "the ability to do work" (I would rephrase
this as "the ability to produce transformation") and as such, energy has the
capacity to produce profound change on any level of our being physically,
emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Our workshop graduates consistently report
dramatic shifts in physical vitality, emotional well-being and relationships, mental
clarity, their spiritual life and meditations. Often they start to notice changes after
just coming to a demonstration or even just tuning in at home to our weekly transmission.
(2.) Unlike purely physical energies, the energies we are talking about behave
intelligently. Some say they are God's gifts to us and are the carriers of divine
intelligence; others prefer to say they are linked in to cosmic mind. To give one of many
implications of this fact, you can use these energies to do chakra work or energy
balancing that goes far beyond more commonly known methods. Just as a high speed computer
can do thousands of additions per second, these energies can do many times what we can,
when we rely only on our own intelligence.
(3.) There are many cosmic energies, not just one. Different spiritual
traditions work with very different kinds of energies. For example a representative
Buddhist energy and a representative Hindu energy are quite different have
different colors, textures, do different things, etc.. Just as people respond very
differently to different physical energies (e.g. that in music or food), they respond
differently to the energies of different traditions. This is why the S.U.N. network works
with energies from different cultures and why it is good to experiment to find the one
that is best for you.
(4.) Through a profound initiation involving a permanent empowerment of your energy
field, you can acquire the ability to access energies that would otherwise take decades of
meditation. Historically these kinds of initiations were done only by gurus. Now there
are organizations, like S.U.N., doing this. All of our workshops are initiation workshops
in which you receive powerful energies. You can access them at any time for yourself or
others through mentally directing the flow (no visualization, mantras, etc.) thereby
avoiding dependence on others.
Because the energies S.U.N. works with were specifically chosen to be the most
effective from hundreds of initiations I have received, you will find them to be unlike
any others available to the public. We believe we are setting the standard for subtle
energy work. Come to a demonstration or tune in at home to our weekly transmission and
experience them for yourself!
by Irving Feurst
Energy TM The Basis of S.U.N Workshops
One of the unique and beneficial (and amazing) properties of the energies used by the
S.U.N. Network is that they are "intelligent". Many believe they are much more
intelligent than the human mind or the most sophisticated computers. And, with the
training provided by the S.U.N. classes, an individual is empowered to access these
energies and direct them with mere "intention".
Intelligent energy:
1. Can be programmed to optimize its effectiveness.
2. Becomes more effective and powerful with usage.
3. Can be calibrated to operate at variable intensities.
4. Teaches itself to be more effective.
5. Works with the individual to create more inspired ways to be used.
6. Helps connect the individual to other energies and guides.
7. Is available in an infinite number of varieties.
8. Can be used to help others or can be transmitted to them at a distance for their
9. Can be effective when used by intention or can be put on "automatic
10. Can be utilized while awake or while sleeping.
11. Works together with, and even enhances other practices.
12. Is provided by the grace of God, and works independently of any religion or belief
It is impossible to convey in words how extraordinary this energy really is. For a
direct experience of "intelligent energy", attend one of our free introductory demonstrations, or sign up for a class.
A Letter
from Yogendra
In the East I often heard "when you are ready,
there will be a teacher waiting." There is a headiness in assuming
that I am ready for all that the S.U.N. Network is presenting. I had
been looking for you, Irving, for a long time, on a path that had led to
many doorways: Gestalt and Rogerian therapy, TM Meditation, Esalen
Institute, LSD therapy in Holland, growth group work with Michael
Tophoff in Europe, Rolfing, Tibetan Buddhism, sanyas in India with
Baghwan Rajneesh, Vipassana meditation, Tai Chi, and several years of
work in healing with Rosalyn Breuyere. The only thread that held all of
these beads was meditation – everyday (with very few exceptions) for
over ten years, religiously I stuck to it. But what I had attained, for
the most part, was a string of beads; I had become a peddler with a bag
of tricks. The real goal still eluded me.
I began to notice announcements for "Energy Work
from Around the World." As Irving transmitted energy, I felt a cool
wind on my face. It blew through my soul right into my heart. I was in
love. Anything that I can feel in my body I believe is real.
Matter-of-factly Irving told me "You can learn to do this
too." His voice was so calm, so sure, I believed him. Energy rushed
into my head, tingling at my Third Eye. "Is this where I will
finally learn to 'run energy'?" And, indeed, I did learn. I took
courses in Drisana and tried once again on my son to see if he could
feel anything: "What is that, Dad? It feels like tingling or
prickles of electricity."
Equally important is my own spiritual development, my prayer, my
devotion to God enhanced by energy practices to increase spiritual
awareness and understanding. For all of this and so much more, I thank
Anand Yogendra
A Letter from
In April 96 I attended my second
S.U.N. Network class - the first in a year long series called "A Tour of the Angelic
Kingdom". Irving looked around the room and noted the wide range of experience of the
students. He saw clairvoyantly that some had been working with angels for years, while
there were a few that didnt know for sure that angels existed. I was in the latter
category. I have taken many classes since then. The initiations themselves, the background
information about the structure of the universe, and Irvings easy presence as
teacher all impact strongly. It is not an exaggeration to say that every aspect of my life
is enhanced and transformed.
Ive always had a strong personal response to the powerful
climactic scene of William Gibsons play, "The Miracle Worker", based on
Helen Kellers childhood at the time her teacher, Anne Sullivan, arrived. I used to
have a photo of that scene by the well at the miraculous moment when seven year old Helen,
blind and deaf since 18 months of age, finally understands that there is language - that
there is a word for the water splashing over her hands. In that instant, after five years
in silence and darkness, the world opens for her. I looked at that photo for years longing
for something I might experience or be shown that would so dramatically alter and clearly
illuminate my consciousness and perception. I have been blessed with the answer to that
My heart is open. I have more physical energy. Teaching the simplest of
tai chi forms, I am more cognitively and experientially grounded when I speak of
receiving energy from both the earth and universe. Sharing bodywork, I can also offer to
run a variety; of energies. I experience more patience, compassion and calm objectivity
about our situations and lessons. Settling inward, I am blessed and grateful to know there
is more order and support from the universe that I ever imagined.
Thank you, S.U.N., for sharing these gifts and this knowledge with such
clarity and kindness.
Joanne Sultar