Here are several ways to find out if S.U.N.
energy work is right for you:
Free Introductory Evenings
A Little of Your Time Could Be A Big
Investment In Your LIFE! |
Attending a S.U.N. Free Introductory
Evening could be the beginning of a major positive change in your life.
Many people have reported experiencing profound benefits from the
energies and practices introduced to them through the S.U.N. Network.
And it's so easy to see if this work is for you. The first thing to
know is that no one at S.U.N. will attempt to sell you or convince you
of anything. The introductory evenings are designed to let you
experience firsthand what this work is about, and you can decide for
Whether you are newly interested in
subtle energies or have been working with them for a while, we believe
you will find that S.U.N. is at the leading edge in this field. As you
explore this site, you may find a workshop that is of particular
interest to you. Attending a free "Introduction to S.U.N. Workshops"
with the teacher who will be giving that workshop is a simple,
comfortable way to determine what that and other workshops have to
offer you. To find out where these introductory evenings will be held,
call the teacher. Also, some teachers are willing to schedule
introductions at times or locations other than those listed. (See the Teachers' Directory.)
S.U.N. Network is not associated with
any particular religion, but draws meaning from many of the powerful
spiritual practices around the world throughout history. Whatever your
chosen path, this work can help you along your way. If you feel an
impulse to see what this is all about, check the Schedule
and mark your calendar now for the date you want to attend! It could be
a turning point in your life.
Receive our Weekly Transmissions
at Home
Sunday Mornings 9:00 to 9:15
a.m. your local time
Sunday Evenings 9:00 to 9:15 p.m. your local time |
Just as physical energies (such as
radio waves) can be transmitted over a distance, so can subtle
energies. Every Sunday all the S.U.N. teachers do a group transmission
of hundreds of different energies. You can receive these energies just
by "tuning in", i.e. by wanting to be and being aware. Because the
energies can be transmitted on a "time delay basis", you can do this
according to your local time as described above. It is not necessary to
be in any special state of consciousness, though it does help to get
into your quiet, inner space or to be in a meditative state.
Because we are transmitting hundreds of energies
and because you can only absorb so much energy at one time, it is very
important that you ask your higher self to select the energies that are
best for you.
There are two purposes for this transmission. It
is part of our philosophy of providing ongoing support (for those who
wish it) to people who have taken our workshops. It is also a way to
introduce our work to those who aren't yet familiar with it. If you are
among the latter and enjoy the energies, we invite you to come to a
free talk or sign up for a workshop.
Receive our Free Monday Transmissions at Home
Monday Mornings 9:00 to 9:30 a.m. your local time
Monday Evenings 9:00 to 9:30 p.m. your local time |
In addition to the weekly Sunday transmissions described above, which come from all S.U.N. teachers, there are new weekly Monday transmissions, which come just from Irving Feurst, the S.U.N. network founder and director, together with his solar angel. The purpose is to give you a flavor of what the full state of Christ Consciousness is. This state is your natural birthright and not associated with any particular religion. It can take years to fully achieve Christ Consciousness, so we suggest you tune in regularly and invite you to take Irving’s new Christ Consciousness series. To receive the free transmissions, just tune in. If tuning in, try it weekly for 3-6 months and notice any changes. These transmissions are also intended as ongoing support for those who have taken S.U.N. Christ Consciousness courses. The first in the course series is Christ Consciousness: Birthing Your Christ Body, Level 1.
"The seven people at our Reiki get-together
tuned in to your weekly transmission last Sunday night, and we all had
sensations, images (e.g. a white Pegasus), or messages ("Be like a
mountain. Quit moving around and put down roots."). We were grateful
for your transmission and will tune in again." -- Donna McMillan,
Tokyo, Japan
BACK TO TOP  S.U.N. Energy Meetings
Some S.U.N. teachers hold Energy Meetings on a regular basis. These
meetings are to further your understanding and practice of energy work
you are learning in S.U.N workshops. Participants practice using new
S.U.N. skills, i.e. practicing energy work on each other. We also
meditate, answer questions and discuss spiritual problems you might be
having. Lastly, this is a place to meet and socialize with others who
share common interests.
Attend an energy meeting facilitated
by S.U.N. teachers. Check the Schedule for
details. Some teachers prefer to schedule Introduction to S.U.N.
Workshops and Energy Meetings when they are contacted rather than in
advance. The following teachers hold meetings:
Ira and Kathy Hilf, Petya Lowe, Loretta Metzger, Jean Sibley,
Carol Singler and Hari Tahil.
Please call one of them for location
and time. (See Teachers' Directory.)
Students who are interested in Energy Meetings closer to home should
call their nearest S.U.N. teacher.
Welcome from the Founder | Articles | Workshops
| Benefits
Free Previews
| Schedule | Registration | Teachers
Ways to Experience S.U.N Workshops
| S.U.N Disclaimers
Past Distant Classes | Enhanced Classic Courses | Book & Energy Products
New Distant Classes | Christ Consciousness Series S.U.N
Contact S.U.N.
Mailing Address:
Spiritual Unfoldment Network
P.O. Box 5900
Hercules, CA 94547
Irving Feurst is
also the Founder of
The Egyptian Mystery School™