Below is a description of specific S.U.N. workshops. For general information about our workshops, check the section on Benefits. For times and locations, check the Schedule. Also, find out about the Ways to Experience SUN Workshops.
Order Enhanced Classic Courses, Past Distant Classes, Christ Consciousness Classes & Energy Products online and pay by credit card!
New classes are given as distant transmissions. Pay via Paypal below or send your check payable to Irving Feurst to P.O. Box 5900, Hercules, CA 94547.
Indicate which class you'd like to take. Include your contact information
and how you would like to receive the handout - by email, or post.
Call (510) 245-3838 for information or email
Receive free initiations for compassion, calmness, courage, emotional processing and a primary meditation. (Simply request “Living Gracefully in Times of Covid-19” from to receive the class handout with instructions for receiving the initiations). The purpose of this course is not just to help you cope with living in our uncertain, stressful times but to do so gracefully. Before you (or your friends) can receive the initiations, each of you must request the course individually. Please email, and put "Covid-19" in the Subject line.
In Christ Consciousness, Level XXIX, you receive “Living the Words of Jesus (Luke), Level I” - an attunement drawn from Luke, Chapter 10, Verses 25-28 (RSV) which contains different frequencies than the three previous attunements based on the words of Matthew Chapter 22, Verses 37-40. The attunement helps you to implement these teachings in your daily life, and by so living these words to have a more joyful, loving life, helping others to do so as well. In this level of the Christ Consciousness sequence you receive higher levels of the Love, Merkabah, Shekinah, and Child initiations. Prerequisite: Christ Consciousness: Birthing Your Christ Body, Level XXVIII, and a wait of at least thirty days between levels.
SIRIAN FORTIFICATION OF YOUR SUBTLE BODIES, LEVEL VI: MONADIC BODY (Distant) Sunday, January 19, 2 – 3 pm and afterward
Sirian energies can bring about great personal and spiritual transformation. This is the sixth level of this seven-level activatable course sequence. Each level corresponds to one of the subtle bodies – from the inside out: etheric, emotional, mental, causal, atmic, monadic and logoic. Each level floods the corresponding subtle body with Sirian energies chosen to work with you personally. The purpose is to improve the functioning of that level’s subtle body in a general way, with a particular emphasis on spiritual development, facilitating both the depth and breadth of your spiritual evolution. Examples of the many possible changes you might experience are increased spiritual discernment, an improved ability to meditate, a deeper ability to understand your karma and how to work it out in practical everyday ways. Because of the association between Sirius and Christ consciousness, you may also find that your ability to experience that state of consciousness (or experience it more deeply) improves. Prerequisite: Level V and thirty days’ wait.

WORKING OUT YOUR KARMA IN YOUR SLEEP, LEVEL II (Distant) Sunday, February 16, 2 – 3 pm and afterward
Spiritually, one of the functions of sleep is to make it easier to work out your karma, by learning life lessons and changing personality characteristics in your sleep, rather than having this happen in real life. Level II of this autonomous (self-activating) initiation significantly increases your ability to do so, both on your own and through receiving help from your solar “guardian” angel.
Prerequisite: Past Distant Course Working Out Your Karma in Your Sleep, Level I and 30 days’ wait.
SIRIAN FORTIFICATION OF YOUR SUBTLE BODIES, LEVEL VII: LOGOIC BODY (Distant) Sunday, March 16, 2 – 3 pm and afterward
Sirian energies can bring about great personal and spiritual transformation. This is the seventh level of this activatable course sequence. Each level corresponds to one of the subtle bodies – from the inside out: etheric, emotional, mental, causal, atmic, monadic and logoic. Each level floods the corresponding subtle body with Sirian energies chosen to work with you personally. The purpose is to improve the functioning of that level’s subtle body in a general way, with a particular emphasis on spiritual development, facilitating both the depth and breadth of your spiritual evolution. Examples of the many possible changes you might experience are increased spiritual discernment, an improved ability to meditate, a deeper ability to understand your karma and how to work it out in practical everyday ways. Because of the association between Sirius and Christ consciousness, you may also find that your ability to experience that state of consciousness (or experience it more deeply) improves. Prerequisite: Level VI and thirty days’ wait.

CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS: BIRTHING YOUR CHRIST BODY, LEVEL XXX (Distant) Sunday, April 20, 2 - 4 pm and afterward
In Christ Consciousness, Level XXIX, you received “Living the Words of Jesus (Luke), Level I” - an attunement drawn from Luke, Chapter 10, Verses 25-28 (RSV) which contains different frequencies than the previous attunements based on the words of Matthew Chapter 22, Verses 37-40. You receive Level II of “Living the Words of Jesus (Luke)” in Christ Consciousness, Level XXX. In this level of the Christ Consciousness sequence you receive higher levels of the Love, Merkabah, Shekinah, and Child initiationsIn this level of the Christ Consciousness sequence you receive an esoteric initiation Jesus gave his disciples. In addition, you receive higher levels of the Love, Merkabah, Shekinah, and Child initiations. Prerequisite: Christ Consciousness: Birthing Your Christ Body, Level XXIX, and a wait of at least thirty days between levels. Christ Consciouness Classes
Learning to work closely with your guardian angel is one of the most important and life-changing steps you can take. This workshop contains specific information useful to everyone, from those who aren't convinced yet that they have a guardian angel to those who are already expert at this kind of work and are ready to learn methods previously available only in certain mystery schools. Irving's original lecture about how to work with angels on three CDs.
All New Workshops described above are distant transmissions given by the Solar Angel of the S.U.N. Founder. If you see a course which interests you, you may take it at a distance at the listed time or any time thereafter. Past Distant Workshops can be found here.
HUNA and The Infinite Light of Huna
Hawaiian Spirituality
Known as Huna (meaning "secret"), the Hawaiian spiritual tradition places equal emphasis on connecting with your spirituality and connecting with the earth, your body, and your emotions..
Rather than teaching transcendence of the physical plane, Huna teaches us to celebrate life, to merge matter and spirit.
The Huna Philosophy
Huna holds that the key to living a fulfilled life lies in the awakening and integration of your subconscious self, conscious self, and higher self. It offers us a profoundly beautiful philosophy of life centered in love and the vision of humankind, nature, and the divine as harmonious parts of a cosmic community. But Huna is not just a philosophy; more than anything else Huna is something you do. It gives us a set of practices that are simple yet, when used regularly, profoundly transformational.
Huna: Level I to V
The S.U.N. Network teaches a sequence of classes called “Huna”. The ancient Hawaiians used the word Huna to refer to a body of knowledge and the word kahuna (literally “keeper of the secret”) to refer to a practitioner of that knowledge. Like all S.U.N. classes, Huna is an initiation workshop in which you receive powerful energies that you can then access at any time for yourself or others by mentally directing the flow (no visualization, mantras, etc.). The workshop leader is trained in the Malaka tradition of Huna. The teacher transmits directly to the student, through permanent empowerments of the student's energy field, abilities which would otherwise take decades to develop.
The Huna system is a sequence of progressively transformative course levels. However, the sequence is so carefully designed that you can stop at any time and have a complete experience. The first level alone contains enough tools to keep you evolving for the rest of your life.
Not only are these Huna empowerments unusually powerful, the energies feel great! Many people say they feel like they've spent a week in Hawaii after using them! Come to one of our demonstrations and experience these beautiful energies for yourself.
Some of the empowerments you will acquire in the first level include:
Connecting with the earth in a new and deeper way "Melekiana" empowerment, which permanently deepens and strengthens your energy flow from just one exposure.
"Kala" empowerment for dissolving emotional conflict at the subconscious level. You may have heard that this ancient Hawaiian technique had been lost, however it has been preserved in the Malaka tradition.
Sending a powerful energy to yourself and others.
A significant increase in what Huna believes are the three key qualities of the heart: the ability of your heart to give and receive love, courage and openness to life.
Clearing negative thought forms the Huna way.
Linking with the heart chakra of the sun.
The ancient and powerful Cross of Fire initiation. This works with a whole system of energy centers and channels that most people aren't even aware they have! It profoundly deepens work with the chakra and meridian systems as well as accessing trans-formational potential not available if we work with only the chakras and meridians.
Not only are these Huna empowerments unusually powerful, the energies feel great! Many people say they feel like they've spent a week in Hawaii after using them! Come to one of our demonstrations and experience these beautiful energies for yourself.
"Huna is a wonderful spiritual experience. It not only grounds you to the earth but allows your spiritual side to soar and expand." Katharine, Chemist
"Huna has been wonderful for my depression I can't say in words how it has transformed my life. If I wake up depressed, I just do the Huna and the joy is back in my life like magic!" Sharrona
"The Huna attunements have...helped me enjoy being in my body and experiencing my humanness more." JM, Suisun
The Infinite Light of Huna ™ Level I to III
This is a new three-level Huna course sequence. It focuses more directly on reaching enlightenment and is a complement to the “Huna” course sequence which offers a broad range of energy tools. While the two complement each other, the two course sequences can be taken independently of each other.
Many spiritual traditions teach that you first become enlightened in your sleep, then in your meditation, and then in your daily life. In this course sequence, you can experience ancient Hawaiian teachings and energy initiations that provide you with a complete three-level process to reach enlightenment.
In the first level, you receive an initiation that enables you to access a light that appears in your dreams and unfailingly guides you to understand and manifest your soul purpose. It also prepares you, if you wish to go on to the second level initiation.
The second level empowers you to do a simple meditation to bring in a light that rewires your brain circuitry to reach enlightenment.
The third level focuses on integrating the enlightened state with daily life.
Drisana is an energy system of such power and sophistication that it surprises even most professional energy workers. Yet its versatility and ease of use makes it perfect for even the complete beginner to energy work.
This energy system is of Tibetan origin – the word "Drisana" itself being Sanskrit for "the daughter of the sun". Of the hundreds of energy systems into which I have been initiated, there are only a few which I use daily and, of these, Drisana is the one I use most frequently.
Like all S.U.N. classes, Drisana is an initiation workshop in which you receive powerful energies that you can then access at any time for yourself or others by mentally directing the flow (no visualization, complex symbols, mantras, etc.). People using Drisana consistently report dramatic shifts at all levels of their being – physical, emotional, mental, and particularly spiritual.
The Drisana system is a sequence of seven progressively transformative courses--with additional advanced courses being available for those who are prepared to receive them. However, the sequence is so carefully designed that you can stop at any time and have a complete experience. The first level alone contains enough tools to keep you evolving for the rest of your life.
Of the many unusual aspects of Drisana, there are three I would like to emphasize here:
• Each level of Drisana contains an unusually large number of empowerments, many of which have no parallel in any other system. An example is the use of "power settings", which enable you to increase the force of not just Drisana but any subtle energy. If you have been initiated into any other energy system, you will be able to use this empowerment to run that energy more strongly than you ever have before. There's not enough space here to list all 30 empowerments in the first level of Drisana. To get a copy of this list, look in the schedule to see who is teaching Drisana this quarter and call one of those teachers.
• Drisana is one of only a few energy systems in the world which work with all seven planes of reality – the physical, emotional, mental, Buddhic, atmic, monadic and cosmic. Most systems neglect the atmic and monadic. Unless we can connect deeply into all seven planes, there is some part of us which feels incomplete.
• Drisana is the only energy system in the world that works by directly accessing the star tetrahedron shaped energy fields surrounding our six incarnational centers (also known as the six permanent atoms). Our physical body, chakras, aura etc. are but manifestations of these fields.
Although some of the above may sound too theoretical, what Drisana can do for you – physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually – is not. Come to one of our demonstrations and experience the results for yourself.
by Irving Feurst
"The Drisana Light Body system has been like a godsend to me. I use it both for myself and others in many different situations, tremendously enriching my life...."
– J.S., San Rafael
"The Drisana System leaves no stone unturned when it comes to providing energetic tools in the process of personal and spiritual transformation." – Jack Sadey, Walnut Creek
"The various attunements help me with clearing, grounding, and harmonizing my energy throughout the day so that I can better serve my clients." – Van Nguyen, dentist, San Francisco
The Miraculous Vessels
The Miraculous Vessels is a major course sequence which has five levels and which is equal in importance to the Drisana sequence and the Huna sequence.
All S.U.N. teachers can teach the first three levels of The Miraculous Vessels and those with advanced training can teach levels 4 and 5.
What are miraculous vessels?
The name of this new course comes from the energy channels referred to in the Taoist and pre-Taoist traditions by such names as the miraculous vessels, the extraordinary vessels, the psychic vessels or channels, etc. One reason that has been given for the name of these channels is that they are remarkable reservoirs of energy; this energy can either be drawn upon or the vessels will hold what some traditional sources describe as virtually any amount of excess.
However, the deeper reason for the title "miraculous" comes from ancient teachings about the powers which these channels can develop, much of this knowledge having been lost over the centuries. The ancient Taoists and pre-Taoists used these vessels to greatly accelerate spiritual evolution, as well as to develop various supernormal powers. Because there were abuses of these powers, the guardians of the Taoist tradition did not reinstitute the ancient teachings after the knowledge had died out.
Through the use of S.U.N.’s star tetrahedron technology a new way has been found to focus on the spiritual attributes associated with these vessels while tapping into only those special powers that are already available in other systems (such as clairvoyance and external projection of chi). Therefore S.U.N. has been commissioned by Master Yü Huang, a traditional Taoist source, to reinstitute an ancient initiatory system which makes use of these vessels.
What are the goals of this system?
There are three primary goals of this initiatory system: (1) profound harmonization of body, mind, and spirit (2) compassion for all sentient beings (3) oneness and "reciprocity" with nature. Reciprocity refers to fully developing one’s ability to draw on the energies of nature for personal and spiritual evolution as well as fully developing one’s abilities to send beneficial energies to nature. This system contains a number of remarkable initiations for reciprocity which have become lost, even within the Taoist tradition.
Examples of initiations
Here are some of the initiations in the first level of the Miraculous Vessels:
(1) Using the Miraculous Vessels to significantly increase the amount of energy that your subtle bodies can hold. Despite the fact that I have received literally hundreds of initiations from traditions all over the world, this initiation created a huge expansion in my energy field.
(2) Magnifying the power of your tantien centers through aligning them with the corresponding centers in planet earth (in Taoism these three centers are considered the most important and are located in the areas of the brow, the middle of the chest, and the lower abdomen).
(3) A meditation shakti which is released by focusing on the lower tantien and which is unusually effective in integrating the etheric, emotional and mental bodies. When you use this shakti, you feel as though you were meditating with your whole body and not just your mind.
(4) The "Elixir of the Gods" initiation for an inner elixir which tonifies the etheric body and in many people fosters a "golden glow’ and sense of well being (the etheric body interpenetrates and vitalizes the physical body).
(5) The "Rainbow Mind" initiation, which leads to profound serenity, crystal clarity of mind, and dramatically increased control of personal chi.
(6) The "Temple of the Sun" initiation, which greatly magnifies the spiritual powers of all the glands. All esoteric traditions emphasize the importance for spiritual evolution of developing the glands—this development can also significantly affect us on the physical, emotional and mental levels. (The Tibetan master Djwhal Kuhl indicates that as your glands are, so are you.) Unfortunately, many modern systems neglect the glands.
Who should take this course?
As our discussion so far would indicate, there is a significant resemblance between the philosophy and practices of the "Miraculous Vessels" system and those of Taoism. However, we want to emphasize that it is not actually a Taoist system, but rather comes from ancient knowledge which preceded Taoism and which in part led to the birth of Taoism. We also emphasize that this course should be considered by anyone with an interest in personal or spiritual development, not just by those interested in Taoism. Indeed, one of the reasons the channels known as the "Miraculous Vessels" are so extraordinary is that their development facilitates the energy work associated with many other traditions. These channels can particularly facilitate Kabbalistic energy work and ancient Egyptian energy work.
"I feel very privileged . . . Few people in the world today have the opportunitty to experience these energies and have them permanently available to themserlves. It is a blessing" -- Bob Winn, Albany